Spectra SE 128 Print Head


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Spectra SE 128 print head boasts serial-to-parallel converters used to determine which jets to initiate, with both simultaneous and individual activation possible.
The optional Head Interface Board of Spectra SE 128 print head allows users to daisy-chain image data into one serial stream to minimize data interface hardware requirements.
Pumping chambers inside each channel in Spectra SE 128 print head are actuated by a high voltage fire pulse with controlled slew rates.

Spectra SE 128 is ideal for fast moving, high performance printer carriage designs.
General compatibility with a wide range of fluids makes Spectra SE-128 AA jetting assembly extremely versatile.

Spectra SE 128 Specifications
number of addressable jets 128
nozzle spacing 508 microns [0.020in]
nozzle diameter 35 microns
calibrated drop size 30 picoliters
adjustment range for drop size 25-30 picoliters
drop size variation, 1 sigma* 4%
jet straightness, 1 sigma 10 m/sec
drop velocity variation,1 sigma* 5%
maximum operating frequency 40 khz
compatible jetting fluids organic solvents,UV curables

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